It is of no surprise to me that the sayings 'green with envy' and 'the grass is always greener' are similar. Not only because of their color choices but both reflect a longing to have something you do not. You may indeed be envious of your neighbor's lawn but these quotes hold true of always wanting something more. Having recently moved from the outskirts of bustling metropolis back to not, I can safely admit both statements are descriptive of my mood.
The thought of living near a city has always been attractive. Things to do, places to see; endless entertainment. A place where people are not just like one another, a place to learn and somewhere people want to visit. This is what we had for 2.5 years. It was fabulous. We met wonderful people, ate wonderful food, did a bit of traveling, had some relatives near that we usually do not and had a place to work on the resume a bit and gain more than life experiences. However, on the side, I felt sad to be far away from those in the south and wondered what it would be like to there again. After a visit with family in July and September, we made a decision to move. It was not an easy one and I still think about whether it was the right one. We have our reasons for coming back and we are sticking with it. However, a day does not pass that we think about what we gave up and who we left behind. If I dwell on it too long, I get sad.
My green of the north is that the weather suits me, the landscape is beautiful, the people we met and became friends with are there and relatives live there. My heart will always be in New England. I love four seasons and if I have to shovel and wear boots to have a tolerable summer, than so be it. My one and only gripe - $$.
My green of the south is that the rest of the family is here, the babe can be near her family and cost of living makes me sane. The coast is beautiful and I have dear friends that live here also. I don't have to shovel and my rent is dreamy.
Everything has it's price and it's making the best of the situation. We are trying to learn that and be content and I am happy knowing my New England is just a short flight away.